Song Making Website

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Making music with Music Maker is incredibly easy. Plus, it's completely free! Download the latest version today for free or purchase one of our popular special editions and join a community of over 2.0 million Music Maker users worldwide.

  1. Song Making Software

Musician- and songwriter community with open music projects - download songs and music videos Music as evolution - Your online band at Each idea needs space and good conditions to be developed and come to success. At you find a musician- and songwriter community, which exactly offers such a space for the enhancement of your music.

Song Making Software

At you can worldwide collaborate online and make music with musicians, songwriters and other creative talents on open or private music projects. In addition you can market your tracks. is a multimedia website. Music projects can consist of more than audio tracks with different instruments or vocals only. You can also add a music video or a online entered captions track to a music project, publish your songtext (lyrics) and of course add a cool cover image to it. The complex system of assembles the single media tracks of a respective track selection to a song or a so called multimedia-composing and offers it to an worldwide auditory for download. A simple click on the name of a song or composing and you will find yourself in the related music project.

Now you can check the detailed track mixture and try out different track combinations, cause the tracks of a music project can be freely combined and assembled to a new song respectively to a new composing by publishing it. For instance you can turn off an instrument or a vocal track and select another one instead, if available. Do you like a specific song? Then rate it by giving it your vote and improve its ranking position by doing that. Or simply download it.