Toad For Oracle Tutorial

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Toad For Oracle Dba Tutorial

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Toad For Oracle Tutorial Point

Follow These Steps to Extract Files From BLOB Data in Oracle Using Toad • In Toad for Oracle, click on the menu Database > Schema Browser. • Then in the Tables tab, find your table containing BLOB data and click on it to select. • On the right side, click on the Data tab, and it will show you the existing data.

Toad For Oracle 12.1 Tutorial

• Then do the right click on the data grid and choose Export Blobs option. • A window will appear as shown in below example. Select the BLOB column from the Export this column drop-down list. Then specify the export location in the Export Path field. Then select the radio button Export to files named for the value in this column (if the file names stored in a column), else choose sequentially numbered files option. Specify the file extension if a field for file names does not exist in the table.